
Good morning!

I just got a great sleep last night about 8 hours and feel like I'm a different realm!

I feel wide awake, clear and completely fresh mentally and physically. 

Every day I try to make sure a few essential things are my priorities and take note of what I'm lacking.


- Sleep

- Nutrition

- Body

- Mind

Keeping these few things in check, I can understand how I'm feeling more clearly.

For example, some days even tho I stayed to my healthy diet, had a great workout and even meditate or used my creative mind.... I still feel down and have negative thoughts. I catch myself thinking "Is this what I should be doing?" "Why am i even doing this?" questions like that even tho most days I love everything I'm doing and they purely make me happy.

When I reflect on the priorities and check in with my body I realize I'm exhausted and also that the night before i was restless and couldn't fall asleep. 

So my next step is to put sleep higher in my priorities, save some tasks for the next day and get to bed extra early.

If I'm able to get a good solid 8 hours (i shoot for 7 but have wakefullness that subtracts some time) It's miraculous how different my mindset can be looking at the same situation!

Stay on top of your physical and mental health by eating and sleeping right as priorities. Once you feel how much energy it gives you, you can't go back!

With Love, 
All emails will be posted to my blog if you want to read more:

Feel free to share with anyone who needs some extra motivation!

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